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About Us

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Contact Us

Covering a vast 728 square miles, Rice County’s landscape presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities for the Sheriff’s Office. Here, our role transcends traditional law enforcement; we are a vital component of our tight-knit communities, committed to nurturing trust, collaboration, and meaningful connections.

Community-Oriented Policing: A Strategy of Togetherness

Central to our philosophy is the understanding that the effectiveness of our mission is amplified with the trust, cooperation, and support of our community. Recognizing that we cannot be omnipresent, we value the crucial role our residents play as vigilant partners. Together, we establish a unified stand against crime, laying the foundation for a just and safe environment.

The Impact of Community Vigilance

The sprawling terrain of Rice County with current staffing necessitates a collaborative approach to law enforcement. The community’s alertness is a vital asset in crime prevention. When residents report unusual activities, it often leads to the discovery and prevention of criminal acts, reinforcing the safety of our neighborhoods.

Engagement: The Core of Our Commitment

As your Sheriff candidate, I pledge to be actively involved in the everyday life of our community. My vision is for a Sheriff’s Office that is a familiar and trusted presence, not only in times of trouble but also in everyday community events, school functions, and educational settings.

Prioritizing School Safety

Our schools are the lifeblood of our communities. I aim to enhance their safety by ensuring a visible presence of our deputies. Establishing strong connections within our schools, we’ll promote a secure learning environment, nurturing positive interactions with students, educators, and staff.

Attention to Rural Areas

Every corner of Rice County deserves attention and protection. We are committed to providing thorough patrolling and support, ensuring each rural area feels seen and safeguarded. Our approach will be hands-on, accessible, and responsive to the specific needs of these communities.

Cultivating Connections, Not Divisions

Our approach to community policing is about building bridges, not barriers. We aim to be an integral part of the community, understanding its unique needs and jointly addressing concerns. Strengthening the bond between the Sheriff’s Office and the community, we aim to create a safer, more inclusive Rice County.

Valuing Your Perspective

Your input is essential in our community policing approach. We welcome your concerns, ideas, and feedback, allowing us to tailor our strategies to better serve and protect our community.

Community policing is more than a strategy; it’s a philosophy that reflects the core of our law enforcement mission. It signifies a collective effort, involving law enforcement, residents, and community leaders. As your Sheriff, I am committed to this philosophy, fostering trust, and working diligently to enhance the well-being and vibrancy of Rice County.

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